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Battle of Gonzales

The flag here is the flag that Texas used during the battle of Gonzales
The battle of the Gonzales was the first battle of the Texas Revolution that occured on October 2, 1835. It was a fight over a cannon that was given to the people of Gonzales to protect them against Native Americans. The Mexican government and Santa Anna himself sent a troop of 100 dragoons to retrieve the cannon. The people of Gonzales, apparently about 140 soldiers, defended themselves from Mexico, and eventually, the Mexican troop withdrew and Texas had their first victory in the Texas Revolution. That brought up the famous "COME AND TAKE IT" flag with a cannon on it. Now ask yourselves, why did Mexico try and retreive the cannon, and who do you think influenced the Mexicans to act?

Siege of Bexar/ San Antonio

The Siege of Bexar was actually a Texan victory. General Cos was determined to hold San Antonio, but he failed. When General Cos reported to Santa Anna about his loss and Mexico's loss, Santa Anna was infuriated. Then came the revenge on Texas, but for now, we shall keep talking about the Siege. Texas was beginning to rebel against the Mexican government. Even Stephen F. Austin was starting to realize that Santa Anna was a dictator.

This map shows the location of the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas which used to be called Bexar.

Battle of Goliad (Coleto Creek)

This is a map of were the battle of Goliad took place.
The battle of goliad was the second skirmish in the texas revolution. Texas was taken by surprise when the Mexican army was upon them.To avoid a battle, the Texans surrendered, and the first Mexican victory occured. The Texans had no

Battle of the Alamo

This is the battle of the alamo
The Almo was an old spanish mission that trhe Texas rebbles decided to use as a fort. After a 13 day siege some Mexican troops led by president/general Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna decided to attack the Alamo mission. All but 2 texan rebels were killed at the battle of the Alamo. Among the people killed in the Alamo were people that were very famous like Wiliam Travis, James Bowie, and Davy crocket. As the Mexican troops scaled the walls of the mission some Texans withdrew into interior buildings. The Mexican army was seperated into 5 different groups 4 were attacking the mission while 1 group stayed with Santa Anna at camp so there would be no way of loosing all the soldiers. The Mexican army was advancing silently until the Mexican soldiers started yelling "viva Mexico! viva Santa Anna! y viva la republica!!!!". The Mexican recruits were killing their own men because they didn't know that only the front lines could shoot safely. As they were trying to get there they were killed by the Mexican cavalry. The survivors were sent to tell the rest of the Texan army of the fall of the Alamo.

This map shows the approximate spot of the Alamo. This is also the same place that the siege of Bexar was fought at.

Battle of San Jacinto

This picture is a drawing of the battle of San Jacinto
The Battle of San Jacinto was the last war of the Texas Revolution, for Santa Anna was captured after the war that lasted less than an hour. Though this war was short, the effect was the unaminous. TEXAS HAD GAINED INDEPENDENCE!! It took a long effort, but Texas had finally won. This battle was short, because Mexico was surprised by the swift attack that came upon them in seconds. The Texans had cut off all escape, so the Mexicans were picked off one by one. The last war began with a cry of "REMEMBER THE ALAMO!" and other various war cries.

This is the San Jacinto State Monument. This monument was built over the battle grounds of San Jacinto.

This is the approximate spot where the Battle of

    The Main Five Battles of the Texas Revolution